Mgr. Daniela Červinková - Váš konzultant

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Daniela Červinková

Proč kontaktovat
právě mě?

V oboru financí mám mnoholeté zkušenosti, ke všem mým klientům přistupuji individuálně a preferuji dlouhodobou spolupráci založenou na vzájemné důvěře.

Daniela Červinková

o konzultantovi

Odkud pocházím

Pocházím z Brna.

Zkušenosti v oboru

V oboru financí působím od roku 2011.

Mé záliby

Mezi mé záliby patří cestování, sport a vzdělávání se.

Proč zrovna finance

Finance si mě našly samy, až poté jsem zjistila, že je tento obor pro mě ideální.

Co je mým hlavním pracovním cílem

Šťastní a spokojení klienti.

Oblíbené místo pro schůzku

Jsem flexibilní. Ráda se s klienty potkám tam, kde je jim to příjemné. Ať už v kavárně, v kanceláři nebo u nich doma.

Co mám na své práci nejradši a co mi naopak vadí

Ráda se potkávám s lidmi a naslouchám jejich rozmanitým příběhům a nevadí mi vůbec nic.

hodnocení konzultanta

Vaše hodnocení

Balaji Subramaniam

I got introduced to Daniela about 5 years before and I am delighted with your service. It is really good working with a person who is truly interested in their client’s needs, circumstances and preferences. What really impressed me is the way you took the time to get an understanding of what I want then to accomplish my need / want, you had planned with your depth of knowledge, lateral thinking and common sense approach. Your professional, ethical, caring and responsible conduct provokes my trust and respect. Anything that you do for your client’s you do them as its your own task. I gladly recommend your services whenever possible. Client’s Interest First Always puts, client’s interest first and their interest. One can be rest assured that she won’t push any product which is not in line with client’s interest. Never takes any unnecessary risks with her client’s money and plans it for any situation like her own money is invested. Dani ensures that her clients are financially safe and cared. Financial Planning and Wealth Management As a Financial advisor Daniela has a strong expertise on the subject with varieties of products and methodologies within the legal framework and constantly evolving. A natural gravitates towards learning more in the highly dynamic industry developments. This is a very key aspect for people like me to depend on take her advice. She has an umbrella of product segment in Wealth Management products like Mutual Funds, ETF, Real Estate Funds, Mortgage, Insurance – (Pension Plan, Life and General), etc. Daniela has a very strong, complete and through financial planning capabilities with a clear weightage on goal-oriented investment, cash flow planning, investment management, insurance planning and investment proportion. She understands the Risk-Reward appetite of the customer while planning a portfolio considering strategic and tactical asset allocation and standard deviation. Dani communicates about problem or gap along with a solution to the problem / issue. Beyond Work Dani always there to help and support in difficult times when things doesn’t go the way they were expected to. She will stand with you and will be working with Companies, Financial Institutions and Government authorities even though it does not fall in the area of financials. She does not push or sell product or service just because of monitory benefit but only wants to continue and build in long standing relationship. With this approach we both grow together. I can recall a situation where a friend of mine had an issue with his property which he cannot not be holding as a foreigner. Daniella was so kind and helpful , she did work with government agencies in understanding the legal aspect, working with real estate agent and my friend she actually put in a great amount of time and effort to create a WIN – WIN situation even neither it was related to financials nor beneficial for her. I wish you good luck in all future endeavor Balaji Subramaniam

Eva Slouková

Po velmi dlouhém hledání jsme konečně našli někoho, kdo nám se vším pomůže a je tu opravdu vždy pro nás - produkty přizpůsobené na míru, ne pro profit, jako to dělají v jiných firmách. Spolupráce s Mgr. Danielou Červinkovou je naprosto perfektní a jak jsme se doma již shodli - najít toho správného finančního poradce je jako hledat životního partnera. A s Danielou jako bychom našli nového člena rodiny. Profesionalita, vstřícnost a ochota se vším kdykoli pomoci a poradit je nepřekonatelná!

Nitin Agarwal

I have been working with Mgr. Daniela Červinková as my financial advisor for several years and I am more than happy & satisfied having Daniela managing my financial aspects. She organizes and maintains my financial information in a consistent and confidential manner & promptly available whenever I need support (e-Mail/Phone/In-person), she was a big help while I was buying an apartment (year 2016-17) in Brno with the arrangement of the mortgage (and the renewal year 2020-2021) with the best interest rate in Czech Republic financial sector. Daniela is an expert, knows what she is doing and most important is well care of her clients. A highly recommended financial advisor one can imagine - With thanks, Nitin Agarwal

Bharat Patil

Daniela Červinková - Our Financial adviser. We were looking for a financial adviser in The Czech Republic and were extremely lucky to find Daniela through one of my friends' references. Daniela is a very professional financial adviser. She addresses all the questions. We asked her endless questions about finance and real estate before investing and she answered and clarified each and every query we had in mind before investing. We got clarity from Daniella. As an EXPAT living in the Czech Republic, we often don't understand much about the investment and real estate process but because of Daniella for us, it looked like the cherry on the cake. She took care of everything. She is very honest and gives no false information or commitment. Once you finalize the property, she will tell you all the possibilities and options regarding the finances and loan. We are really glad we found Daniela Červinková as our financial adviser and would highly recommend her if you are looking for the best financial adviser in the Czech Republic. Believe me, She is best at doing her job..!

Abhinav Arora

Daniela Červinková, has been helping us make the financial decisions from over a year now, Daniela has gone above and beyond to help us, there have been times when we were confused but with Daniela's patience and guidance we were able to make the right decisions. As an Expat in Brno, it is sometimes hard to understand the legal jargons, but with Daniela's help we did not need to worry about the paperwork or legalities, we were able to focus on the decision itself rather then worrying about the legalities involved. Daniela has helped us with the Mortgage, she is an expert, guided us throughout the process, she made sure to explain the whole process and guided us step by step, either via emails/phone calls/ and in person.
Daniela also helped us with Personal loan for our car, I must mention her professional contacts and expertise in the field really helped us get the loan at good rate and on time.